Font Categories
Icon Categories
Freaking StarsPersonal use
Freaking Stars
Font-Face CSS3 Freaking Stars Font
Below is the font-face css code for Freaking Stars font to add to your website's css file.

You may use our server to host the font file for free.
Dingbats > VariousFreaking-Stars.ttf is available to download for Windows & MAC OS X
Font Character Map
Related Fonts
Dingbats > VariousPiCaSolitaires.ttf
Fractal Font Regular
Fancy > Outlinedfractal_font.ttf
Drid Herder SolidPersonal use
Drid Herder Solid
Bitmap > Pixelateddrids.ttf
Fancy > TechnoDrebiek Expanded Stripes Italic.otf
Graymalkin Academy
Fancy > Futuristicgraymalkinacad.ttf
FreeDeePersonal use
Fancy > TechnoFreeDee_HouseOfBurvo.otf
Anakefka LeftalicPersonal use
Anakefka Leftalic
Fancy > Technoanakefkal.ttf
authentic lovePersonal use
authentic love
Fancy > CurlyAUTHENTIC LOVE.ttf